Following that Super Nose!

Nosework competing in 2015 and 2016 has been a little rough for Terra and I, as we have been waitlisted on over 10 attempts to enter any NW2 trial just about anywhere within a day's drive of NY. There is a serious bottleneck of competitors, and I try not to notice the trials being offered in Montana and Oregon, taunting me for being on the wrong side of the country. It will take us a lot longer than I thought to earn our NW2. 

BUT, we had a great weekend in Pennsylvania a couple weeks ago, at our first Element Specialty Trial, which are mini-trials, with only one element type search, four times. This one was for exterior searches, with all the outdoor challenges and distractions. Terra was a super star, as always, and put in a huge effort, had a total blast, and made me proud by getting Second Place for fastest overall time!!! What a champ! She also got first place for fastest search in the covered pavilion, which you will see below. 

Check out these searches, where we were lucky enough to have them filmed! Nosework is so fun!